AASEC 2019 Conference

The Impact of Brand Awareness and Perceived Quality on Smartphone Customer Loyalty
Hilmi Aulawi (a*), Novie Susanti Suseno (b)

a) Department of Industrial Engineering, Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Garut, Jl. Mayor Syamsu No. 1, Garut, Indonesia
b) Department of Accounting, Universitas Garut, Jl. Raya Samarang 52A, Garut, Indonesia


Efforts to create customer loyalty are one of the critical factors for maintaining the sustainability of a company. The purpose of this study is to identify the effect of brand awareness and perceived quality on smartphone customer loyalty. This study uses a mixed method of sequential explanatory. The stages of analysis begin with a quantitative approach then verified through a qualitative approach. The technique of collecting data uses questionnaire surveys and interviews. Participants in this study were smartphone users in Garut district with a total of 200 people. The results showed that brand awareness and perceived quality did not have a significant positive effect on customer loyalty. The high level of competition in smartphone products encourages companies in the sector to carry out intensive promotion activities. This condition resulted in consumers getting a lot of information about the uniqueness and superiority of the various smartphone products offered, thus increasing their desire to try the performance of these products. The results of the study found that the ability of companies to innovate is the critical factors for maintaining customer loyalty in conditions of very tight competition.

Keywords: brand awareness; perceived quality; customer loyalty; mix methods; innovation

Topic: Industry Engineering

Link: https://ifory.id/abstract-plain/N26aCV3gFEfW

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