ICMScE 2019 Conference

Digital Book of Mathematical Geometry in Junior High School Based on Mathematical Representation Ability
Nur Ayni (a*) M S Noto (b) Toto Subroto (b)

a) Departement of Mathematics Education, Universitas Swadaya Gunung Jati, Jl. Perjuangan No. 1 Cirebon 45134, Indonesia


This research was encouraged by students low mathematical representation ability with the findings of problems in the three-dimensional material of junior high school and the limited text books which povided by the teachers or students during the teaching and learning process, and the non technology-based teaching such as the developed digital teaching materials. The development of teaching materials which recently caried out is still in the form of conventional teaching namely printed-teaching materials. Whereas, the use of printed teaching materials in the three-dimensional subject is considered to be less to facilitate students geometry visualization ability. One of the solutions that can be carried out to overcome these problems is developing 3-dimensional digital teaching materials based on the ability of mathematical representation in the three dimensions material of junior high school which is valid and practical. This research is a kind of development research by using the ADDIE model namely Analysis, Desain, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation. This teaching material was validated and tested for practicality. So, it can be concluded that digital teaching material can be used in the teaching and learning process and it was easy to use by students.

Keywords: Digital Book; Mathematics; ADDIE

Topic: Mathematics Education

Link: https://ifory.id/abstract-plain/NhR4Tqr7FPKx

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