ICoLiST 2019 Conference

Potential Mixed Purple Sweet Potato Extract (Ipomea batatas (L.)) and Black Soybean Tempe (Glycine soja (L.)) Against Levels of Serum Glutamic Oxaloacetic Transminase (SGOT) and Liver Cell Necrosis in Wistar Strain (Rattus norvegicus) Model Diabetes Mellitus Type 2
Esha Ardiansyah, Clara Kartika Aprilia, Dr. H. Abdul Gofur, M.Si., Agung Witjoro, S.Pd., M.Kes, Dr. Sri Rahayu Lestari, M.Si.

Faculty of Math and Science, Univesitas Negeri Malang


Diabetes Type 2 caused by insulin resistance. The majority of insulin resistance is characterized by hyperglycemia and obesity. Obesity is caused by high fat diet and causes side effects of fatty liver. Fatty liver will cause toxic lipid metabolites to increase, causing liver mitochondrial dysfunction and insulin resistance. Liver mitochondrial dysfunction results in fibrosis, cirrhosis, and SGOT enzymes will be released into the bloodstream, which results in increased SGOT in the blood. The purpose of this study was to study the combination of purple sweet potato extract and black soybean tempeh on liver cell necrosis and level SGOT. Rats made Type 2 DM with permeate High Fat Diet (HFD), 10% sucrose and Streptozotocin (STZ) injection intraperitoneally Multiple Low Doses. The treatment was carried out for 30 days with 8 treatment groups. Surgery is take blood samples and liver organ to be prepared. Blood is centrifuged to get blood serum. The serum was mixed with SGOT reagents and measured the absorbance using spectrophotometric methods. Preparations were stained using the Hematoxylin-Eosin method to see the percentage of liver cell necrosis. The results of the study after analyzing one-way ANOVA showed that purple sweet potato extract and black soybean tempeh had a significant effect on reduced the SGOT levels was 168 U/L and percentage of necrotic cells was 32,4%. In the future, it is expected that black soybean plants can be used to be processed into large-scale tempeh and marketed to surrounding communities and the rate of diabetes can be prevented.

Keywords: Purple sweet potato extract, Black soybean tempe extract, SGOT levels, Liver cell necrosis, DM Type 2.

Topic: Zoology

Link: https://ifory.id/abstract-plain/Njvexq6Wr8yp

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