ICOSED 2019 Conference

Character Learning Model Based on Sustainable Development for Indonesian Golden Generation
Amran Amran (a), Magfirah Perkasa (a*), Ismail Jasin (a), Muhammad Satriawan (a), Muhammad Irwansyah (a)

(a) Sekolah Tinggi Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan (STKIP) Bima, Jl. Tandean Kel. Mande, Kota Bima 84119, Indonesia


The learning model for the implementation of education for sustainable development is still limited and needs development. This research is a development research. The research aims to develop a character learning model based on sustainable development that valid, practical and effective for Indonesian golden generation. The learning model developed is implemented by using learning tools which consists of lesson plans, student worksheets and assessment instruments. The learning tools are developed in three subjects namely Chemistry, Physics and Biology. The development model was adapted from the Dick & Carey model and the trial of this research product was conducted at 11th grade students representing schools in nine pilot project provinces. The instruments for data collection included validation instrument, self assessment sheets and observation sheets. The result of the study shows that: (1) The learning model developed has been named the ESD Character Model with syntax consists of collecting, consultating, analysing, communicating and applying; (2) ESD Character Model is valid to use with very good category and effective to improve student character; and (3) ESD Character Model can be a recommendation for the implementation of education for sustainable development concept.

Keywords: character learning model; sustainable development; golden generation


Link: https://ifory.id/abstract-plain/NqTyx39BY8pL

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