INCITEST 2019 Conference

Knowledge Management System Architecture Design at PT. Informatika Reka Mandiri
Geraldi Catur Pamuji; Ana Hadiana; Riani Lubis

Postgraduate Faculty, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Bandung, Indonesia.


PT. XYZ is a Company in Bandung that specializes in software creation services. Limited human resources in this company causing the control and management of the project do not neatly arrange because every team has differences in phases, procedures in the project, or location of the project that is being done under the contract, including the preparation of documents related to the project reports. Management of the company has difficulties in getting information about the state and progress of the ongoing projects. Due to the lack of good Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) in managing project information. The main problem why is documents and knowledge spread is the employee turnover rate is quite high among employees who transfer from one project to another or when the employee leave the company so that each individual- knowledge had come to move or disappear. Based on these problems, it can be concluded that PT. XYZ requires knowledge management to improve the performance of the company. Therefore, this study proposes a model of knowledge management system design as the solution to the problems that occur in the company especially knowledge management project that is the core business of the company. Research conducted are using 6 steps from the 10 Step method Knowledge Management Roadmap to manufacture a blueprint. Research supported by the Knowledge Management Assessment Kit (KMAK) tools that serve to facilitate the research stages.

Keywords: Knowledge Management, 10 Step Knowledge Management Roadmap, KMS

Topic: Informatic and Information System


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