INCITEST 2019 Conference

Improvement of Model Automatic Tracker Strength Signal Antenna Based On Azimuth and Elevation Control Approach
B Herdiana, D Gunawan

Universitas Komputer Indonesia


A strong signal tracking system for long distance communication is needed to keep communication sustainable. Changes in signal amplification are one of the problems that arise with changes in the distance so that the need for signal stability must be achieved. The model of tracking signal strength by receiving antennas using automatic system is one way to minimize attenuation of signal received through automatic antenna movement techniques based on information data on the position of the azimuth and elevation angle between the transmiter and the receiver antennas. The method used in this research is field observation and design system with position of satellites as target objects tracking of the signal strength to designed device which located as a receiving antenna and tracker device. Analysis and measurements results showed that all satellite targets tracked resulting in a minimum angle of azimuth and elevation have percentage errors 0.75% and 1.75% when detecting NSS6 while the maximum errors were 6.91% and 2.36% when detecting Palapa D with a tolerance of directing angle to satellite < 20 according to ITU-R recommendations.

Keywords: satellite, antenna, directing, azimuth, elevation, ITU-R

Topic: Electrical and Computer Engineering


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