ICPS 2019 Conference

Improving academic environment for disable students: The role of student volunteers
Dwi Prasetyo^, Suen, Mein-Woei*, & Myrtati D. Artaria**

^ Study Program of Social Sciences (IIS), FISIP, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya, Indonesia
*Department of Psychology, Asia University, Taichung City, Taiwan
**Department of Anthropology, FISIP, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya, Indonesia
*Corresponding author: myrtati.artaria[at]fisip.unair.ac.id


Many of the facilities for disabled students at many universities in Indonesia are considered not ready to accept them to study optimally. However, not being ready perfectly is no reason not to allow disabled students to study at universities. We examined the role of volunteer students in assisting with disable students so that they could learn better at the university level. We interviewed 5 volunteers at Airlangga Inclusive Learning Center. Data were collected using indepth interview. The volunteers accompanied the disabled students during lectures, seeking teaching materials in the library, as well as seeking teaching materials requested by their lecturers, became translators for deaf students, and became note takers for blind students. This study implemented a descriptive qualitative approach. The results of the study showed that volunteers who assist disabled students feel that they have useful new experiences. We found that student volunteers were able to carry out the various roles needed to support an inclusive campus. Some volunteer students were also able to act as facilitators who facilitated the disabled students outside of academic activities. Increasing the ability of student volunteers is very important so that they can expand social services within the campus environment, thereby increasing students social functioning to disabled students in the university environment.

Keywords: student volunteers, social function, disable students, inclusive learning, improving academic environment

Topic: Education, Community Engagement

Link: https://ifory.id/abstract-plain/NvVTWbzHtka7

Web Format | Corresponding Author (Myrtati D. Artaria)