ICoSI 2019 Conference

Compliance Bargaining Mechanism as the Way to Ended Iran-Iraq War
Aditya Maulana Hasymi

Universitas AMIKOM Yogyakarta


1.1 Introduction Conflictual issues can be about economy, culture and values, or even a border dispute. The class cannot be avoided because of several issues triggering the conflict and also several interests. One of the bigger wars that can be was the Iran-Iraq War at 1980-1988. This war brought the long history between both of those countries, which were related with border disputes, ideological influences, and economic war. Those of both countries is thinking that if the war is still being run, it is not giving any good advantage. The damage was so big. So, it required a process to bring the two states involved war into one meeting to talk about peace or end the war. The process is called a peace process. In this case, the peace process arranged by the involvement of third party. The United Nations take a role as the third party in Iran-Iraq War by formed a Resolution no 598. In the resolution the council expressed its concern that, despite its calls for ceasefire, the conflict between Iran and Iraq continued with heavy loss of life and material destruction. The Iran-Iraq war was ended through the resolution no 598 that was produced by the United Nations. Furthermore, this paper argue that the way of the United Nations ended the Iran-Iraq war through Resolution no 598 is implementing the theory of compliance bargaining in conflict resolution. Keywords: compliance bargaining, conflict resolution, regime, ceasefire 1.2 Research Question How did the mechanism of compliance bargaining in the UN Resolution no 598 regime end the Iran-Iraq War in 1988? 1.3 Analytical Framework In approaching the main research question, this paper employs an analytical framework with core arguments linked to literature on compliance bargaining in conflict resolution process. 1.4 Methodology This paper will use the qualitative method by make limitation with regard to the scope of term regime. This method makes it much easier to examine a range of primary and secondary sources because the approach is focused on exact scope. Also, this paper will use data collections method. The process will be collect the data through library research that related to the study case. 1.5 Conclusion Through tracing process from several literatures, it is revealed the two hypotheses on how compliance bargaining mechanism work to ended Iran-Iraq War 1988: 1. The mechanism of compliance bargaining in United Nation Resolution number 598 regime can work effectively because of the using of international post agreement negotiation process such as compregensive disarmament, road map of reconciliation, dispute settlement and comprehensive normalization; 2. The mechanism of bargaining in compliance bargaining in UN Resolution number 598 can work effectively because of the using of domestic post agreement negotiation process such as ratification negotiation, rule making negotiation, rule making negotiation and ending with negotiating concerning monitoring, enforcement, and reporting.

Keywords: compliance bargaining, conflict resolution, regime, ceasefire

Topic: International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies

Link: https://ifory.id/abstract-plain/P4LgNyZ7wdMe

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