Contextual Mathematical Problem Solving of Deaf Students based on the Montague Stages
I Muhafidin, E Nurlaelah, A Hasanah
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
This study aims to analyze the completion of contextual math problems of deaf children based on Montague stages. this research is descriptive qualitative research. the data collection technique is in the form of tests, questionnaires, and interviews. The subject of this study was deaf class XI students in one of the Special Schools (SLB-B) in Kuningan, Indonesia. The results of this study are the students ability to solve contextual math problems from 7 students namely one student has the ability to solve contextual math questions in good categories, three students in sufficient categories, and three others in the low category.
Keywords: Contextual Mathematical Questions, Qualitative, Montague Stages
Topic: Mathematics Education