BIS 2019 Conference

Impact of Baron Tourism Areas on Local Economic Development and Changes in Land Use in Gunungkidul Regency
Ratika Tulus Wahyuhana (a*), Annisa Muawanah Sukmawati (b), Lilla Fitri Annisa (b), Ihza Iskandar Yusuf (b)

a) University of Technology Yogyakarta
Jalan Siliwangi, Jl. Ringroad Utara, Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55285
b) University of Technology Yogyakarta
Jalan Siliwangi, Jl. Ringroad Utara, Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55285


The tourism sector is one sector that contributes significantly to the process of development and regional development by contributing to the level of tourist visits that will have an impact on the government and local communities. Baron area is a superior area in Tanjungsari District. Based on the Tourism Development Master Plan (RIPPDA) of Gunungkidul Regency, the Baron Region is an integrated area with functions in the education and tourism sector. This is supported by the existence of the Baron Coast area as marine tourism and Baron Techno Park as an educational tour. The study question here is: What is the impact of the existence of the Baron tourism area on social economic aspects of the community and land-use change? The problems that arise in the development of the Baron tourism area are the unintegrated development between tourism objects and the uneven economic impact, so the researchers want to examine the impact that the tourism area has on the economic aspects of the local community and land-use change. The research approach uses a quantitative approach with quantitative descriptive analysis and time series mapping analysis methods. The technique used is random and purposive sampling technique based on data sources obtained from primary data through field observations and interviews. Besides, it also includes secondary data collection from document review. The results of the research study show that the influence of tourism on economic aspects predominantly only occurs in Baron Beach. The influence is the change in employment opportunities and shifts in types of work from fishers to tourist attraction businesses. The change in land use is indicated by the development of attractions and businesses supporting the tourism sector, namely trade and services from 2014-2017. While the influence of economic aspects for the business community in Baron Technopark is still minimal, this condition is influenced by the trend of the number of visitors who are still small and selling areas that are still outside the tourist attraction. It can be concluded that there has not been integration between attractions in the Baron Region on the improvement of the peoples economy. Attraction integration is still limited to function. It is necessary to develop an integrated tourism area both in terms of spatial pattern and spatial structure. The spatial pattern is related to the integration of the intensity of spatial use, namely the planning of marketing and distribution locations.Spatial structure is related to connectivity between tourist objects so that it can encourage an increase in the peoples economy more evenly.

Keywords: Impact, Baron Tourism, Economic, Land Use Change

Topic: Economics


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