The Perception of Young Farmers and their Parents towards the Future of Agriculture: Socio-Spatial Integration of Coffee Farmers in Jeneponto Regency
Isnam Junais1, Samsuar1, Daniel1,HM. Ali1, Yusran1, A. Syarif2, MH. Mansyur3
1 Center for Research and Development of Natural Resources, Hasanuddin University
2 Faculty of Agriculture, Muhammadiyah University of Makassar
3 Faculty of Agriculture, Cokroaminoto University of Makassar
Farmers- social is an important element in developing the future of agriculture. Especially the perception of young farmer, it needs serious attention because they are the pioneer of agricultural in the future. This research aimed to investigate the perception of young farmers towards their future and also their parents- perception towards the future of the young farmer. There are 151 households of coffee farmer involved in this research which have children who are still in productive age and they are interviewed separately. The data analysis used Friedman test, factor analysis, then integrated in socio-spatial. Parents perception were affected by the way they have a strong access toward agricultural business, they thought that working in this sector needed a hard work, spend a lot of time, energy, and dominantly regarded as rough and dirty job. It became the main reason in affecting the social perception that the amount of salary is not the main factor in determining social class but it depended on the type of the job. A Decision taken by parents for their children was based on social perception that being a farmer is considered low in social level although the income is categorized fair. Being different from parents perception, young farmers were more optimistic towards the future in developing agricultural business by seeing their own potential and agricultural resource. Young farmers perception were not because the level of education, but the ability to access information, the level of education did not related to their ability in accessing information. Based on the result, researchers concluded that the difference perception affected by age differences, perspective, and characteristic. Based on the result obtained from farmers- age, the ability to access an information and knowledge about market became the main factor affecting farmers- perceptions towards the future, meanwhile education level did not show any influence. The decision that parents decided to their children based more on social perception where farming perceived as a low occupation in social environment although the income in a decent category. Having a different perception with the parents, the young farmers is more optimistic in terms of their future in developing business on agriculture sector by seeing their own potential and agricultural resources. Based on the result, researchers concluded that the cause of different perception affected by different age, perspective, and characteristic. It can be denied that there will be a conflict from this difference, so the researchers suggest to both parents and children to equate their perception, especially for the parents as a leader in taking a certain decision. Therefore, creating a modern agricultural social environment with the business oriented in family and community is the best option to make a same perception about future agricultural business.
Keywords: Farmers Perception, Young Farmers, Socio-spatial
Topic: Agriculture system