ICIEVE 2019 Conference

Mortar Fire Direction with Multiplatform Mobile Application
Suharjanto Utomo, Iswanto, Nopi Ramsari

Prodi Informatika Universitas Nurtanio Bandung


Mortar is one of the weapons that is still used for warfare. In determining the direction of mortar shoot there are still using conventional way with paper. Then it takes a portable calculator that is fast and accurate in determining the angle of elevation and angle of azimuth. So it is proposed that this mortar fire direction is a mobile application with multiplatform development method that can run on Windows, Android, and iOS operating systems. The result of this research is a prototype mobile application that provides a report of elevation angles and azimuth angles rather than mortar quickly and accurately to the intended goal.

Keywords: mortar, elevation, azimuth, multiplatform

Topic: Computer and Communication Engineering

Link: https://ifory.id/abstract-plain/QXFq86dvgkrb

Web Format | Corresponding Author (Suharjanto Utomo)