ICMScE 2019 Conference

Students creative thinking skills in quadrilateral topic viewed by students cognitive
Desty Rupalestari (a*), Sufyani Prabawanto (b)

a) Departemen Pendidikan Matematika, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setia Budhi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia
b) Departemen Pendidikan Matematika, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setia Budhi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia


The purpose of this study were to describe students mathematical creative thinking skills in quadrilateral topic viewed by students- cognitive and to reveal the factors that influence students creative thinking. This study was a qualitative descriptive research. The data were collected by using a written test and interview. The test was conducted to measure students mathematical creative thinking and interview was conducted to determine the factors that influence students creative thinking. The test used 4 creative thinking questions that each of them covered one of four indicators of mathematical creative thinking. The subjects of this study were 32 students of 7^th grade in Lembang. The result shows that the higher students- cognitive the higher students- mathematical creative thinking skills. The factors that influence students creative thinking are the ability to make mathematical models, the ability to see questions at different points of view, and the ability to understand the topic.

Keywords: mathematical creative thinking

Topic: Mathematics Education

Link: https://ifory.id/abstract-plain/QaVjHBr8tF37

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