Implementation of Naive Bayes Classifier Algorithm In Classification of Civil Servants
Rifki Achmad, and Abba Suganda Girsang
Bina Nusantara Univerrsity
The dynamics of a rapid development of a company now requires a balance of efforts in the field of utilization of human resources means that along with the development of the company the quality of human resources in the company should also be improved. As the executor of the transfer of civil servants, BKD is required for professionals in carrying out their duties in mutation positions for civil servants. This study implements a mutation system for civil servants by using Naive Bayes Classifier Algorithm. The data and system take Secretariat District Regency of Pelalawan. This system uses some attribute data such as age, total work Period, education background and implemented on a web based application. This approach is an approximation to Bayes theorem which is the principle of statistical opportunity to combine previous knowledge with new knowledge. This system is very effective classification algorithm (get the right results) and efficient which can be a basic reason in mutation civil servants.
Keywords: Civil Servant, Mutation, Algorithm Naive Bayes Classifier, Web.
Topic: Computer Applications and Information Sciences