ICEMINE 2019 Conference

Ophiolite sequence in Eastern Meratus, Laut and Sebuku Island.
Joko Soesilo, Sutanto

Faculty of Mineral Technology, UPN Veteran Yogyakarta


The sub aerial geological cross section of Jurassic magmatic rocks starts from the eastern slope of the Meratus Mountains near Batu Licin Town, through Laut island to the east towards Sebuku Island showing fragmented ophiolite set. Deformed basalt, diabase dyke and plagiogranite with, in some localities chert and red claystone tightened in the sepentinized basalt, some of which still show remnant of the pillows lava such as cropped out north of Batu Licin Town and in the western shoreline of Laut Island are indicative to upper part of Ophiolite. While in the eastern Sebuku Island may be found cromite layer in dunite, layer cromite and bulk.

Keywords: Jurassic magmatic rock, Eastern Meratus, ophiolite

Topic: Geology


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