BIS 2019 Conference

Supply Chain Management Improvement through Strategic Planning for Human Resources in the Industrial Revolution 4.0
Nida Hanin Dary (a*), Ismi Dwi Astuti Nurhaeni (a), Didik Gunawan Suharto (a)

a) Public Administration Department, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta, Indonesia


Human resources in Indonesia are required to be improved to be internationally competitive, actively synchronized, and innovative with rapidly developing information technology to support the quality of Supply Chain Management (SCM) and also support sustainable development. Nevertheless, in the era of the Industrial Revolution 4.0, Supply Chain in Indonesia was increasingly confronted with the challenges of international competition in terms of innovation and technology. In addition to increasing the quality of technology to improve SCM, it is necessary to do strategic planning of human resources to equip the suppliers with international capacity in using technology that has been provided by the government to innovate or cooperate with other countries. This study aims to examine the strategic role of human resource management to produce human resources with international capacity, innovative, and able to support the improvement of SCM in Indonesia in facing the challenges of the Industrial Revolution 4.0. This research was conducted using qualitative research methods with a systematic literature review approach. Efforts to increase human resource capacity are carried out by creating human resource strategic planning based on analysis of the situation and potential of human resources, then training and development are carried out based on international standardization.

Keywords: Supply Chain Management; strategic planning; human resources; Industrial Revolution 4.0; Indonesia

Topic: Government Studies


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