BIS 2019 Conference

Authentic Assessment of Sciencetechnopreneurship Skills in Learning Physics
Sri Jumini1, Firdaus1, Fatiatun1, Nahar Mardiyantoro2, Nurma Khusna Khanifa3, Muhammad Miftakhul Falah4

1 Department of Physics Education, Faculty of Education and Teaching, Universitas Sains Al-Qur-an, Kalibeber, Mojotengah, Wonosobo, Central Java, Indonesia
2 Department of Technical Information, Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science, Universitas Sains Al-Qur-an, Kalibeber, Mojotengah, Wonosobo, Central Java, Indonesia
3 Department of Islamic Economi Law, Faculty of Sharia and Law, Universitas Sains Al-Qur-an, Kalibeber, Mojotengah, Wonosobo, Central Java, Indonesia
4 Ministry of Religion Training Center, Banyumanik, Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia


The sciencetechnopreneurship skills is an integrated skill of mastering the manufacture of applied products, and mastery of marketing technology through information media and technology, thus bringing economic value. The skills emerge from the process of learning science combined with entrepreneurship learning and Islamic economics and strengthened by learning information technology. This study aims to determine the assessment in accordance with sciencetechnopreneurship skills. This research method is a literature review, both from accredited national journal articles and reputable international journals. The results of the study found that the assessment of the skills of technopreneurship can be done through performance as well as scientific attitudes obtained by experiement in laboratory, product assessment and assessment of income targets to foster entrepreneurship. Assesment of sciencetecnopreneurship skills is done with authentic assessment.

Keywords: science, technology, entrepreneurship, authentic assessment

Topic: Education


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