BIS 2019 Conference

Public Services in the Borobudur Temple Area Village: An Asymmetrical Standard
Dyah Adriantini Sintha Dewi*, Fatma Fauziah, Suharso, Habib Muhsin Syafingi

a) Faculty of Law, Magelang, Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang
Jalan Mayjend Bambang Soegeng km.5, Magelang 56172, Indonesia


Village Government in the Borobudur Temple area is demanded to implement good governance as a form of support for the Government of Indonesias nawacita program. This study aims to analyze the implementation of the principles of good governance in administrative services in the Borobudur Temple area. The approach used in this study is the socio legal research approach by examining the principles of good governance and their application in society. The results showed that there were no service standards in every village in the Borobudur Temple area. In addition, the principles of participation, accountability, and transparency in Good Governance have not yet been applied in the region. Borobudur District Government must strive for standardization of public services in order to prioritize services for tourists visiting the Borobudur Temple area.

Keywords: Public Services; Borobudur Temple; Good Governance in Indonesia

Topic: Law


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