AISTEEL 2019 Conference

Translation Techniques Applied in Novel of The First Call From Heaven
Sudariyani, Syahron Lubis, Anni Holila Pulungan

State University of Medan


The aims of this study were to find out the types and reasons of translation techniques applied in novel of The First Call From Heaven.The research was conducted by using descriptive qualitative design. The data of this study were words, phrases and clauses that were translated from English as source language into Indonesian version as target language of novel The First Call From Heaven as the source of data. Then the data of the study were analyzed by using translation techniques based on Molina and Albir (2002)which used to answer the questions number one. The results of this study were found that there were thirteen type sof translation techniques applied in the novel of The First Call From Heaven namely adaptation (5.47%),amplification (1.7%), borrowing (35.34%), description (0.2%),discursive creation (0.5%), establish equivalent (21.26%),linguistics amplification (3.73%),linguistics compression (2.29%),literal translation (2.58%), modulation (6.32%), particularization (0.2%), transposition (18.39%), editing technique (1.4%).

Keywords: Translation Techniques

Topic: Social,Language and Cultural Education


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