ISLLCE 2019 Conference

Soliti in Muna People-s Etnomedicine
La Ode Topo Jers(a), Erens Elvianus Koodoh(b), Enis Wilda Ningsi(c), La Ode Ali Basri(d), La Ode Muhammad Ruspan Takasi(e), Nasruddin Suyuti(f) La Aso(g)

(a) Halu Oleo University
(b) Halu Oleo University
(c) Halu Oleo University
(d) Halu Oleo University
(e) Halu Oleo University
(f) Halu Oleo University
(g) Halu Oleo University


This research aimed to explain the soliti plant in Muna people-s traditional medication, referring to disease and ethnomedicine theories, namely the spiritual aspect in human health system. This aspect can be an integral component of Ethnomedicine practice (Anderson, 1986). The method employed in this research was ethnographic method with qualitative approach. Data collection was conducted through participatory observation and in-depth interview with informants related to Muna people-s traditional medication practice. Meanwhile, technique of analyzing data employed in this research was descriptive qualitative analysis. The result of research showed that soliti plant is a traditional medication known by Muna people as an efficacious solution to modern medical treatment attempt. The representation of spiritual support and natural resource that has provided drug sources is viewed as a fact of traditional medical healing to the sick people. The relations created in traditional social group can be defined as an empirical fact of a belief system concerning how the ritual can be practiced, the medication can be enlivened, and the natural resource can be preserved.

Keywords: Traditional Medication, Muna People, Soliti

Topic: Culture


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