ICoLiST 2019 Conference

Endophytic culturable bacterial obtained from Cinchona ledgeriana Moens. in West Java and its antagonistic effects against Phytophthora infestans
F A Anugrah (1), R Masita (1), H O Rusdi (1)

(1) Universitas Negeri Malang
Jl Semarang 5 Malang, Inonesia (65145)
E-mail: fauzi.akhbar.fmipa[at]um.ac.id


Medicinal plants Cinchona (Cinchona Ledgeriana Moens.) was once an Indonesian export commodity many years ago. Unfortunately, the decline of Cinchona production is currently also affected by plant-damaging fungal (Phytophthora infestans). This study aims to obtain endophytic bacteria in healthy Cinchona plants. A number of 64 endophytic bacterial isolates were evaluated for their ability to inhibit Phytophthora mycelium growth by dual culture technique. Nine isolates had inhibitory activity against fungal mycelium growth above 50% compared to controls. The highest percentage of inhibition is shown by isolate B13 which is 84.31%. Many bacteria are motile and make calculations biased. Furthermore, an antagonistic confirmation test was carried out using a glass ring. Six of them still proved to be consistent in having the ability to inhibit mycelium growth respectively for isolates B13 was 68.32% ± 3.34, isolates D5 67.67% ± 0.92, isolates D13 were 65.43% ± 1.49, isolates B15 were 61.98% ± 1.18, isolates D11 were 58.91% ± 2.06, and B14 isolates at 57.76% ± 2.84. This result is a new literature in the study of the potential of Cinchona plant endophytic bacteria that can be developed for bio-control applications that are safe for plants and the environment.

Keywords: Endophytic bacteria, Cinchona, Dual culture, Antagonistic effect

Topic: Microbiology

Link: https://ifory.id/abstract-plain/Rfe6DbHrX7TK

Web Format | Corresponding Author (Fauzi Akhbar Anugrah)