AASEC 2019 Conference

The Making KIT Micro Scale Electrolysis Experiments using Lithium Batteries based on Green Chemistry
Devi Ratnasari(a), F S Irwansyah(a*), C Z Subarkah(a)

UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung


Electrolysis material is one of the materials presented in a practical manner. Learning that must be carried out with practicum being an obstacle for teachers to prepare the tools and materials while for schools that are still developing are constrained by the high cost of tools and materials needed. Based on these problems, an alternative learning media is needed which aims to assist and help teachers or students for studying electrolysis material. This research used method of research and development with the stages of analysis, design and development to produce Micro scale electrolysis KIT by using coin type lithium batteries. The results showed that the stages of the manufacture of micro-scale electrolysis KIT includes the step of analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation has been well done. The results of the feasibility test of micro-scale electrolysis KIT were declared valid with an average value of r count of 0.91. This shows that the micro-scale electrolysis KIT media that is made has a quite enough interesting, economical and practical appearance. Media presented with guided inquiry stages can help students learn electrolysis material.

Keywords: electrolysis; Micro scale; lithium

Topic: Chemistry

Link: https://ifory.id/abstract-plain/RgjBUY9bWN62

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