ICMScE 2019 Conference

Impact of the EduPlasa interactive media on reducing misconceptions in high school students in static fluid
A Halim(a), E Mahzum(a), Zanaton(b), H Humairah(c)

(a) Universitas Syiah Kuala, Aceh Indonesia 23111
(b) Faculty of Education, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur 43000
(c) High School in Banda Aceh 23145


Many efforts have been made to reduce misconceptions in physics learning, including traditional learning methods (without interactive media) or with modern learning (using interactive media). Most interactive media used are based on calculations or graphics. Usually students experience difficulties when interpreting the data shown in the media. To solve this problem, EduPlasa interactive media is based on images, contexts and final conclusions are displayed by EduPlasa media. The study used a quantitative approach, virtual experimental methods and data collection using the three tier diagnostic tests. The target population of all high school students in the city of Banda Aceh, but with a variety of considerations taken a sample of randomly 28 students of SMA 7 Banda Aceh. Data analysis used descriptive statistics to get a percentage reduction in student misconceptions on the concept of static fluid. The calculation results show that there was a reduction in misconceptions of 60.34% in other words a reduction in the misconception of the static fluid concept was very significant after the EduPlasa interactive media was applied. Inference from research results, teachers are encouraged to use image-based interactive media to reduce misconceptions in students

Keywords: misconception, EduPlasa, Media, Three-Tier Test, Diagnostic

Topic: Physics Education

Link: https://ifory.id/abstract-plain/RrK9Ac6WH2QN

Web Format | Corresponding Author (A. Halim)