ICEMINE 2019 Conference

Planning of Mining Water Management Cost
T.A. Cahyadi¹, S. Magdalena²*, D. Haryanto1, W.D. Ratminah1, P.E.Rosadi1, P.E.Asmara3

1 Lecturer of Mining Engineering of Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Yogyakarta, Indonesia Jalan SWK 104, Sleman, 55283, Indonesia
2 Student of Magister Mining Engineering of Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Yogyakarta, Indonesia Jalan SWK 104, Sleman, 55283, Indonesia
3 Dewatering Engineer, PT Darma Henwa, Bengalon, Indonesia


Althought it has often been done, the mine drainage system can be complicated process, depends on the condition of the location and the excavation requirements with the purpose that the water entering the mine does not interfere with mining activities. In this paper discussed the costs that are of concern in mine water management case study at Pit B, PT Darma Henwa Bengalon site in 2019, using the variable costing method. From the research results, the cost of contruction an open channel with geometry top width (B): 5,17 m, under width (b): 2,6 m, hydraulic mean depth (h): 2,24 m, sloping width (a): 2,57 m, which is Rp 36.808.096,-, making sump Panel 1, sump Panel 2 and 4, sump Panel 3 using PC1250 and HD465 are Rp 3.920.833.504,-, then the costs for investment, installation pipes and pumps, as well as operating costs at the beginning of dewatering are Rp 63.426.709.502,-. The costs of a mine drainage system in the form of the costs of making open channels, contruction of sumps and pumping costs consist of components in the form of employee salaries, assets equipment costs like pumps, material costs in this case the materials used in the istallation of pumping circuits such as pipes, bolts and flanges. Operating costs in the form of fuel and lubricants which are used, lastly the indirect cost company incurred by the direct cost. Indirect costs are available when purchasing pumps unit or assets. It usually form in percentage and consist of material costs, salaries, equipment cost and operating cost.

Keywords: open channel, sump, pumping, dewatering cost, variable cost

Topic: Mining and Metallurgy Engineering


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