ICEMINE 2019 Conference

ESP Power Cable Screening Strategy Through Physical Band Test and Failure Records Evaluation To Reduce ESP Wells Failures In ASD Block PSC Area
Nugroho Marsiyanto [1] Abdullah Rizky A[2]

PHE, Jl T.B. Simatupang Kav 99, PHE Tower, Jakarta Selatan 12520 [1]
Petroleum Engineering Department, Engineering Faculty, Bhayangkara Jaya University
Kampus II, Jl. Raya Perjuangan Kel. Marga Mulya, Bekasi Utara, Kota bekasi Jawa 17121[2]


ASD Block PSC Area is located in South Sumatera, about 40 km south of Prabumulih, South Sumatera. The ASD-1 well is first exploration well and discovered oil at the end of 1988. Until May 2011, there were 24 exploration wells and 147 development wells drilled and produced. ASD block has been producing since November 1989. In 2011, the oil production was about 5800 BOPD, and 15 MMSCFD of producing gas and mostly the lifting equipment was dominated by Electric Submersible Pump (ESP) and the rest was Sucker Rod Pump (SRP). Total ESP was 67 oil producer wells meanwhile SRP was 4 oil producer wells. Since there were a lot of number and need of consumable parts of ESP units, the study is focusing on the impact of ESP power cable which is giving the significant impact on oil production if the wells down due to ESP power cable failure, such as shortage and also cost in purchasing the ESP power cable. This paper evaluated the well failures caused by the bad quality of ESP power cable. There were 3 ESP power cable brands used in 2011, namely X, Y Z where each of the brands had different quality. Through physical band test to the power cable and well failures caused by it, it would come up with the recommendation which ESP power cables had to be used in AS block. The ESP well failures data are taken from the year 2011-2015. Based on data shows improvement on reducing ESP well failures after followed the recommendation not to install X ESP power cable brand. From this study, it can avoid potentially lost about USD 1,786,562 due to well failures caused by X power cable and save actual cost about US$ 538,292 from procurement process to provide ESP power cable need for the year 2011-2015.

Keywords: lifting, electric submersible pump, sucker rod pump, power cable, well failure

Topic: Petroleum and Geothermal Engineering


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