BIS 2019 Conference

Science Process Skills and Teacher Professionalism in Elementary Schools
Irham Nugroho1*, Akhmad Baihaqi1, Muis Sad Iman1, Tohirin1

1 PGMI Fakultas Agama Islam, Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang, Indonesia
*email: irham_nugroho[at]


Classroom teachers have the essential roles for the success of the teaching and learning process in elementary schools (SD/MI). One of it is reflected by the quality of science process skills to construct students understanding, and it has a strong relationship with teacher professionalism. The study aims to analyze the relationship between science process skills and teacher professionalism. The descriptive quantitative method is used in this study with observation, group discussions, and questionnaire for the data collection. The results indicate that the science process skills have a positive correlation with teacher professionalism. It can be measured by four indicators, namely pedagogic, personal, social, and professional competence. Furthermore, the association of science process skills is demonstrated by observing, inferencing, classifying, interpreting, predicting, and communicating. Therefore, the good of science process skills will boost teacher professionalism.

Keywords: Process Skills; Science; Teacher Professionalism

Topic: Education


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