ICoLiST 2019 Conference

Prevalence of Intestinal Nematode Eggs in Elementary School Students in Tulungagung Regency
Sofia Ery Rahayu (*), Agung Witjoro, Dinari Pribawastuti

Department of Biology, Universitas Negeri Malang
Jl. Semarang 5 Malang
* sofia.ery.fmipa[at]um.ac.id


Elementary school students have a tendency to become infected with intestinal nematode worms. Research on the prevalence of nematode eggs in elementary school students in Tulungagung Regency has not been done much. The aim of the study was to find out the species of intestinal nematode worms and their prevalence in elementary school students in Tulungagung Regency. The research sample was in the form of intestinal Nematode eggs found in the fingernails of Pagerwojo and Ketanon elementary school students of Tulungagung. The students nail clippings were drained by a 15% NaOH solution and then centrifuged. The sediments obtained were observed with a microscope 40x10 magnification. Worm eggs found were identified. The results of the study found worm eggs Ascaris lumbricoides and Trichuris trichiura. The highest worm egg prevalence (32.9%) in Pagerwojo students compared with Ketanon studensts (14.68%). The prevalence of A. lumbricoides worm eggs in Pagerwojo students was higher than Ketanon students. T. trichiura worm eggs were only found in Pagerwojo students. Based on the results, the intestinal nematode eggs found in the nails of elementary school students in Tulungagung. Monitoring the personal hygiene of elementary school students needs to be done regularly to prevent infection with helminthiasis.

Keywords: Nematode, worm eggs, elementary school

Topic: Zoology

Link: https://ifory.id/abstract-plain/T8yda4upjZhM

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