BIS 2019 Conference

Community Based Management Model for Friendly and Tolerant School Mosques: Analysis of Strategy and Empowerment System
Imam Mawardi*, Akhmad Baihaqi, Kanthi Pamungkas Sari, Subur

Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang


The phenomenon of community-based school mosque (CBSM) becomes very interesting when it can contribute to community empowerment, both in the religious and social fields. The study aims to analyze an CBSM management model in Magelang City to spread the values of peace and tolerance for the school and the surrounding community. This research was carried out through a survey with the objects of the SMPN 2 and SMAN 3 mosques. The social phenomenology is used in this study which is combined with observation and in-depth interviews. The results show that the CBSM management model is based on the concepts of idarah, imarah, and ruayah, and it creates an inclusive school for community development. The programs of congregational prayers, recitation, zakat distribution, and sacrificial meat are used as the strategies in presenting a friendly and tolerant of Islam. Thus, CBSM management can contribute to emphasizes the social function of the school through the mosque and the peace of Islam, rahmatan lil alamin.

Keywords: Model; Management; School Mosques; Friendly; Tolerant; Community

Topic: Religious Studies


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