AISTEEL 2019 Conference

Efforts to Improve Rhythmic Gymnastics Learning Outcomes Through The Audio Visual Media
Rizky Puspa Sari (a*), Amir Supriadi (a), Nurkadri (a)

a) Physical Education, Post Graduate Program, Universitas Negeri Medan


The purpose of this study was to determine the increase in rhythmic gymnastics learning outcomes through audio-visual media. The method used is CAR (Classroom Action Research). CAR has two cycles, namely in the first cycle making action plans, carrying out actions, observations and reflections. The results of reflection are used as a basis for the planning phase of the second cycle if the first cycle is not successful. So in the second cycle gives more learning through Audio Visual Media and gives more direction to students where errors are often more guided while in class before going back to practice in the field. The research instrument uses a portfolio and observation sheets. Data analysis techniques use percentages. The conclusion that through audio-visual media can improve rhythmic gymnastics learning outcomes.

Keywords: Learning Outcomes, Rhythmic Gymnastics, Audio Visual

Topic: Education and Research Global Issue


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