Proposed Marketing Strategy to Increase Customer Purchase Intent for Cluster House Residence
Annisa Tulus Warasanti, Sonny Rustiadi
Institut Teknologi Bandung
Marketing strategy is an important process in the business to generate value and gain profitable relationships for customers. Some of the tools that guide to the marketing strategy are marketing mix and AIDA model. Marketing mix helps the business to engage customers; satisfy customer needs, and build customer relationships (Kotler and Amstrong 2016). AIDA model is a marketing theory in a world of advertising that is based on the perception of customer (Hadiyanti 2016). The aim of this paper is to propose marketing strategy to increase customer purchase intent for cluster house residence that ends to an increase of sales. The objective study of this research is a cluster house residence of Bukit Parama Regency. The research uses the analysis of marketing mix and AIDA model. The marketing mix covered in this study includes product, price, place, and promotion. The AIDA model in this study covers customer journey include attention, interest, desire, and action.
Keywords: marketing strategy, marketing mix, AIDA, cluster house residence
Topic: Marketing Management