ICOSTA 2019 Conference

Analysis of Problem Solving Ability Tests on Dynamics Material in Basic Physics Courses
Jonathan Hutapea, Sahyar Sahyar, Sondang R Manurung

Physics Education Program, Postraduate State University of Medan


This research aims to construct the problem solving ability test questions on basic physical dynamics material according to standards of good test qualifications in terms of validity, reliability, difficulty index and discrimination index. This type of research is development research using research and development methods of Borg and Gall model. The sample in this study were all semester 2 students physics education program of Medan state university. The results of this research indicate that of the 40 questions developed, 14 questions have met the criteria of good questions based on theoretical and empirical analysis. The fourteen questions can be used to measure the ability to solve problems with basic competence to provide solutions to the, (1) material moment of force, (2) moment of inertia, (3) equilibrium, (4) centre of gravity, (5) the law of conservation of angular momentum and (6) the application of Newtons law.

Keywords: Problem solving, ability, test, physics, dynamics

Topic: Fundamental and Applied Sciences

Link: https://ifory.id/abstract-plain/TVZA34xpcKDr

Web Format | Corresponding Author (Jonathan H Hutapea)