BIS 2019 Conference

Fuzzy-PI Algorithm Aplication to Controlling Servo Motor Position Using Microcontroller AVR
Rahmat (1); Wiyono (2)

(1), (2) Departement of Electronic Engineering Academy Technology Warga Surakarta


Understanding implementation of control process in real aplication is not easy for common stundent that their study of controll aplication. This reaseach purpose to discribe how algoritma Fuzzy-PI implementation in controll position servo motor. Realisation of this research using circuit of microcontroller with before programmed with algoritma fuzzy-pi and then implemented to controll rotation position servo motor. Method and step of process the research start with make modul circuit microcontroler as circuit controlling servo motor position, and then make script program for to upload to circuit microcontroller. After that do experiment for get data with entry several parameter Fuzzy and PI and analysied result experiment. From result of experiment using microcontroller as controlling servo motor with fuzzy algoritm result controlling to arise very fast to state of stability.With using fuzzy algoritm parameter of Kp and Ki with autotune at optimum value. Result this research a prototype device for experiment fasility student for understand algoritma Fuzzy PI in real device.

Keywords: Controlling, Servo position, Fuzzy-PI

Topic: Electrical Engineering


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