BIS 2019 Conference

The Influence of Personality, Conflict and Trust on Commitment of Duties of Principal Public Elementary Schools in DKI Jakarta Province
Dwi tyas Utami, Sutjipto,Mukhneri Mukhtar

Universty state of Jakarta


The purpose of this study was to determine the influence of personality, communication, conflict and trust in the task commitment of the Head of Elementary School in DKI Jakarta Province. The study was conducted on work commitments involving 317 Head of Elementary School in DKI Jakarta Province who had been selected from the target population of the Head of Elementary School in DKI Jakarta Province using a quantitative approach with path analysis methods. The direct effect of personality on the commitment of the task is 0.144 while indirectly through the conflict is 0.023, through a large trust of 0.019 so that the effect of total personality on task commitment is 0.186. The direct effect of conflict on task commitment is -0.177 while indirectly through personality magnitude -0.018, through the magnitude of confidence -0.021 so that the effect of total conflict on task commitment is -0.217. Therefore to improve the commitment of the Head of Elementary School in DKI Jakarta Province that needs to be improved is personality, communication, trust, Conflic, task commitment.

Keywords: Communication, Conflict, Trust, Personality, Task Commitment

Topic: Education


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