ATASEC 2019 Conference

Development of Camlearn as Mobile Learning Media for Photography Equipment Course
Wahyu Nur Hidayat (a*), Andisa Talenta Oktaviani (a), Asih Setiani (a), Argavinda Sugestuwandeli (a), Tri Atmadji Sutikno (a)

a) Department of Electrical Engineering, Universitas Negeri Malang, Jalan Semarang No 5, Malang 65245, Indonesia


Limited learning facilities in vocational high schools is one of the problems in vocational education. Not every schools with multimedia departement have enough standard cameras. The solution and also the goal of this research is to discuss the development of Camlearn as mobile learning media that can be used in the multimedia departement. Camlearn is an android-based mobile application that discusses the types of cameras and photography equipment. This research applies the steps of ADDIE research method including Analyze, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation. Analysis, design and development activities are based on material requirements analysis that has been carried out using a questionnaire and interview methods for students, teachers and vice-principals of curriculum with a Likert Scale consisting of three research variables namely material aspects, media aspects, and application functionality. The results of the application product feasibility on the material suitability aspects are 80%, the media conformity aspects are 82%, and the product functionality aspects are 82%. Based on the results of the product development testing, it can be concluded that this research product has met the minimum eligibility test so that it can be declared feasible to be used as a learning media in the learning process.

Keywords: Mobile Learning Media; Android; Multimedia; Camera; Photography

Topic: Vocational Engineering and Technology


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