MORES 2019 Conference

Correlation Between Ferritin Levels And Peak Expiratory Flow (PEF) Value in Thalassemia Patients at RSUD Al-Ihsan, West Java
Yani Dewi Suryani, Winda Risakti, R. Ganang Ibnusantosa

Faculty of Medicine
Universitas Islam Bandung


The thalassemias are a group of inherited hematologic disorders caused by defects in the synthesis of one or more of the hemoglobin chains. Affected patients need blood transfusion regularly during their lifetime. Repeated transfusion will increase ferritin levels and cause hemosiderosis in various organ including lungs. The aim of this study was to find correlation between ferritin levels and pulmonary function in thalassemia patients seen from PEF measurement. This was an observational analytic study with cross sectional design. Ferritin levels was taken from medical record and PEF measurement using peak flow meter. This study was performed to 35 thalassemia patients. Data were analyzed using pearson test with STATA ver 11.0. The result shows mean value of ferritin levels was 4917,043 (SD±2493,99) ng/dL, meanwhile mean value of PEF was 126,57 (SD±51,86) L/min. This result indicate there was no significant correlation between those two variables. Increase in ferritin value because of repeated transfusions and hemolysis will induce hemosiderosis and pulmonary dysfunction. Besides of pulmonary dysfunction, another condition will affect the result of pulmonary function measurement which reflected by PEF value.

Keywords: Ferritin, Pulmonary Function, PEF, Thalassemia

Topic: Basic and Clinical Medical Sciences


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