BIS 2019 Conference

The Meaning Of Home In Perception Of Elderly
Zuraida Zuraida (a*), Muhamadd Koderi (b), Rachmawati Murni (c)

(a) Department of Architecture
Universitas Muhammaduyah Surabaya
Surabaya, Indonesia
(b)Department of Architecture
Universitas Islam Darul Ulum
Lamongan, Indoensia
(c)Department of Architecture
Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember
surabaya, Indonesia


Inclusive cities protecting minorities are an important issue in this study. The elderly are one of the minority groups that need attention because of decreased physical abilities. Until now, attention and protection of the elderly minority group has not been an important concern in urban planning in general. In addition, the number of elderly people is increasing every year. Meeting the needs of homes that can provide convenience in activities with comfort and calm. Therefore this research needs to be done because of the importance of understanding the meaning of an old home so that it can meet the needs of homes in accordance with the perception of old age. This research is a literature review that discusses the meaning of home in the perception of old age. Things that will be examined in this study are: 1) meaning in the context of old age, 2) meaning in relation to the perception of the home. This study is based on previous studies and several theoretical studies. The purpose of this study is to review the meaning of home through the perception of old age through a literature review. The conclusion of this study is the meaning of home for old age is a place of rest, a place to maintain health conditions, a place to indulge freely, comfortably and in accordance with physical conditions, a place to give peace, and a place to interact with family and the community in the environment. Perceptions of homes will produce different meanings for the elderly because they have a long range of perception processes.

Keywords: inclusive, meaning, perception, elderly

Topic: Psychology


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