Visual Asset Design Promotion Ciwidey Gambung Tea Plantation Agrotourism Area
Sonson Nurusholih
Telkom University
Agro Tourism The Gambung Ciwidey tea plantation is one of the agrotourism in Bandung Regency. This agrotourism is located in the Gambung tea plantation. It is unfortunate with the many potentials there but not many people know about the existence of this agrotourism. It is necessary to design a promotion with effective media, so that the public knows the whereabouts of this place and is interested in visiting the Ciwidey Tea Plantation Agro Tourism. The obstacle faced by Gambung Ciwidey Tea Plantation Agro Tourism is the lack of promotional media used, as well as limited information. In solving this problem, researchers will use promotional material through the medium of photography. Where photog-raphy techniques will be used in taking photo objects with composition techniques such as symmetrical composition, the rule of thirds, and the golden rule. It is hoped that the promotion of this material can contribute to the community in the Gambung tea plantation which re-quires promotional materials to introduce the Gambung Ciwidey tea plantation agrotourism widely to the public and invite tourists to visit this place.
Keywords: Promotion, Photography, Agrotourism
Topic: Art