ISLLCE 2019 Conference

The Portrait of Javanese Life in The "Prau Gethek Nyabrang Jaladri" Soekirmans Novel
Arie Toursino Hadi (1*), Melinda Sariningsih (2**), Nanny Sri Lestari (3***)

1. Universitas Halu Oleo
* arietoursino[at]
2. Universitas Indonesia
** melinda.sariningsih91[at]
3. Universitas Indonesia
*** pbintangpagi[at]


A literary work has often used a medium for describing a behavior or attitude of character who played a role in the story. The focus of this study is based on behavior that is reflected by the character which is constructed through its life experience. "Prau Gethek Nyabrang Jaladri" Soekirmans work is one of the novels that tell the story about how the attitude behavior Javanese diaspora. This essay will deliver the portrayal of the Javanese diaspora that is express in the novel. This essay is qualitative with the approach take-note-technique. The result of this study reveals Javanese, although living outside their area, will look for their origin like visiting the grave of their ancestor.

Keywords: culture, literature, Javanese, diaspora

Topic: Literarture


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