INCITEST 2019 Conference

Indigenous Japanese Food and Chances in Indonesia
T Tawami1, P T Sopyana2*

1 Departemen Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Teknik dan Ilmu Komputer, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia
2 Departemen Bahasa dan Sastra Jepang, Fakultas Sastra, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia

Email : praditya.tri[at]


This study aims at proving that the Indigenous Japanese food demand by various circles of society in Indonesia. The food is very influenced by the geographical location of the area and historical differences, therefore the food is a cultural element of a State. The method used in the study was a survey method. The results of the research, a lot of typical Japanese food that does not exist in Indonesia and is expected to give it a try. So, the chances of Japanese food in Indonesia is quite large. Thus, making business Japanese restaurant in Indonesia with a different menu and more variety would be advantageous. In addition, special food can become Pull a country to attract foreign tourists come to visit.

Keywords: Indigenous; Japanese; Food; Chance

Topic: Entrepreneurship & Technopreneurs


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