SemnasPKM 2019 Conference

I Wayan Sudiarta , A.A. Made Semariyani dan I Gusti Ngurah Sugiana

Universitas Warmadewa


Training Improvement of Traditional Coconut Oil Processing Process “Tandusan” was carried out at the Sari Guna Mertha Group, Telugtug, Carangsari Village, Petang District, Badung Regency. The goal to be achieved is to provide appropriate technology to diversify the processing of agricultural products, especially coconut, which has a lot of potential in the village of Carangsari into Traditional coconut oil for cooking oil and consumption oil. When training by direct practice also provided additional material about knowledge about entrepreneurship, business management, sanitation and hygiene processes of production, packaging, and marketing, so that trainees are able to manage businesses that are well made. The method used in the implementation of this training is the method of interviews, face to face, counseling and practice in person. For the smoothness of the training activities carried out in stages and each stage is carried out monitoring and evaluation so that the continuity of activities becomes more guaranteed, namely: First, counseling is held regarding the appropriate technology for processing coconut into barren traditional coconut oil whose manufacturing process is modified and sanitation and hygiene processing, counseling Entrepreneurship, business management and marketing. During this first meeting, all training participants were given a learning module which had to be understood before processing practices were carried out so that the participants became easier in mastering every direction given. Secondly, there was a direct training / practice on making barren coconut oil products with a process that efficient which is then evaluated and repeated to make the product until the trainees truly master the technology and the trainees are able to make products independently at home and make the products in groups so that it becomes easier in marketing the products. Third, this activities are over, we provide regular assistance to be able to motivate new businesses that are initiated. The output target to be achieved is that the trainees can independently make processed products and understand entrepreneurial knowledge, marketing management, so they can become economically independent. To be a proof of the activity, the activity is also documented in the form of photos and videos and an article is written to be published in the Scientific Magazine.

Keywords: Coconut oil, Entrepreneurship, Appropriate Technology.

Topic: Ekowisata


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