INCITEST 2019 Conference

Geo-Business Intelligence A Literature Review on Framework and Practice
Mouli De Rizka Dewantoro(a*), Agus Achmad Suhendra(b), Anton Abdulbasah Kamil(b)

a) Master Program on Industrial Engineering, Telkom University
b) Faculty of Industrial Engineering Telkom University


This research has the purpose to examine how implementation of the geo-business intelligence has ever done. The development of the geo-business intelligence happens, and where business geo-business intelligence is currently based on the study of literature. GEO business intelligence be one of BI an exciting future for BI Provider can be offered. The description is taken from a few examples of the application of the geo-business intelligence showed how the geo-business intelligence research be very interesting to offer and a very potential as business data analysis. The results of this research is one example of the application of the geo-business intelligence behind the success of the worlds largest coffee shop. The use of geo-business intelligence for the determination of the location of the new store so it doesnt turn off the stalls have been opened previously and determines new menu according to the characteristics of the existing demographics. Another advantage of geo-business intelligence is the integration between the sales transactions data and data.

Keywords: Geo-business intelligence, business intelligence, coffee store, location

Topic: Industrial Engineering


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