ICAS 2019 Conference

Linda Islami M.Si, Safaruddin Husada M.Si, Mira Herlina M.I.Kom

Universitas Budi Luhur
Jalan Ciledug Raya Petukangan Jakarta Selatan


This research is motivated by the use of social media that is rife in Indonesia so that the impact of social media itself significantly influences aspects of Indonesian peoples lives, especially adolescents, so this study considers that social media use, teen motivation and teen communication behavior on social media are considered necessary for research. So the purpose of this study is to find out how much influence the use of social media variables on the motivation and communication behavior of adolescents on social media. This study uses the concept of an application theory by using the concept of using social media, the concept of motivation and the concept of communication behavior. This research methodology uses a quantitative research methodology with survey research methods where the selected population is students and students of the middle coral high school, the city of South Tangerang with the sampling technique using a quota technique like 100 respondents. The results of this study indicate that the research hypotheses namely H1 are accepted and H0 is rejected where there is a strong influence between the variables of social media use on teenagers motivation.

Keywords: Use of social media, motivation, adolescence

Topic: Communication

Link: https://ifory.id/abstract-plain/UWYy3BpkjnDh

Web Format | Corresponding Author (Mira Herlina)