MSCEIS 2019 Conference

Correlation between Coefficient of Thermal and Thermal stress fracture resistance on Ceramics filter exhaust
Husty Serviana Husain

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


Data from 2017 to Dec. 14 2018 shows that there is a trend increase from the Coefficient of Thermal (CTE) from the Ceramics filter product from a company A and this makes a decrease in the meting point value of the Ceramic filter product which has approached the customer min spec (≥ 650 oC). A CTE value is needed that can be used as a standard to ensure the melting point value does not come out of the customer spec value. By using the correlation method a minimum CTE value will be used as a standard to guarantee the quality of the Ceramics filter from company A

Keywords: CTE, Statistics, Correlation

Topic: Mathematics


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