SoRes 2019 Conference

Picturing textbooks on exponent equations based on praxiology organization
Dyana Wijayanti, Destiani Nisa Naufa

Universitas Islam Sultan Agung


In studying the exponent equation, high school students are confronted with the concept of exponent equations and applications in doing exercises on exponent equations. This is also reflected in the textbooks students use. Remembering books is an important factor in learning. So, what about the state of the textbook that contains the material exponential equations? The book used in this study is a student textbook that can be downloaded at To find out the state of the textbook, researchers will use the theory of praxiological organization. In analyzing the textbook, the researcher uses a reference epistemological model which is then compared with the praxeological organization in the textbook. Although this research is limited to praxeological analysis and does not consider the existing curriculum. However, it is hoped that this research can describe the state of the textbook. The results of this study indicate that in the theory of exponent equations in textbooks are not given a detailed explanation why and how a formula can be obtained. Also, in practice the questions only contain application problems from the formulas that have been provided, not problems that are related to the theory of exponent equations. From the results of the research it is expected that the teacher as a mediator between students and textbooks can provide explanations or additional links with questions that are not in the textbooks.

Keywords: exponent equations, textbooks, praxelogy organization

Topic: Other Related Topics


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