ICOSED 2019 Conference

Application of Micro Scale Practicum to Improve College Student of Primary School Teacher Education Study Program Skills and Interests in Following Chemistry Study Courses
Yudhie Suchyadi (a*), Tustiyana Windiyani (a), Fitri Siti Sundari (a), Nita Karmila (a)

a) Primary School Teacher Education Study Program, Universitas Pakuan, Jalan Pakuan No 1 Ciheuleut Kota Bogor, Indonesia.


Students of Primary School Teacher Education Study Program generally have a universal high education background. In science course, students tend to do the learning process individually so that it results in uneven learning achievement. There must be an effort by lecturers to improve the skills and interests of students in science course, so that students increase in solving various learning problems, especially science. Thus students who have less academic ability to learn will improve their academic abilities. Thinking skills and science processes must be developed through science learning with certain models to foster the achievement of students to think creatively, innovatively and productively. Practicum method is a very effective method for science learning, because practicum helps students as prospective teachers to find answers with their own business based on the actual data. Practicum can be done is macro scale, in this case the weakness for science practicum is high cost. The purpose of the research is to increase students interest and skills using the micro-scale practicum learning method in the Chemistry study course. The research subjects were 209 students of the Pakuan University Semester III Primary School Teacher Education Study Program. During the learning process, observations about student cooperation at the time of the practicum are conducted. The observation results for each cycle were evaluated as a reflection material in the next cycle to improve students skills and interest in accordance with the set targets. Data analysis was conducted in quantitative descriptive. The practicum material that is applied is material in the subject of Chemical study course with a micro scale. From the results of the T-test, it was found that there were significant differences. This means that the understanding of the concept and Science Process Skills (KPS) increases after prospective teacher students experience the practical learning process of Chemistry study course material on a micro scale. From the results of the average value of understanding the concept, increasing from 62.42 to 86.68 and science process skills increased the average value from 56.19 to 87.86. 94% of prospective teacher students respond positively, that is, agree and strongly agree that the Chemistry study course process with a micro-scale practicum can improve science process skills and understanding the materials in the study subjects for college student of Primary School Teacher Education Study Program.

Keywords: Micro Scale Practicum, Skills and Interests, Chemistry Study Courses


Link: https://ifory.id/abstract-plain/Un8uNDfAFM3P

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