MSCEIS 2019 Conference

The Effect of GeoGebra-Based Learning on Students Spatial Ability and Motivation
Vara Nina Yulian (a,b*), Wahyudin (a), Lela Anggrayani (b)

a) Study Program of Mathematics Education, School of Postgraduate Studies, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi 229, Bandung, Indonesia
b)Study Program of Mathematics Education, Universitas Subang
Jl. RA Kartini Km 3 Subang, Subang, Indonesia


The aims of this study (1) to identify differences between the application of GeoGebra-based learning and Non-GeoGebra on the spatial abilities of students in Geometry Transformation; (2) to identify difference between learning motivation categories and students spatial ability; and (3) to identify differences the effect of interaction between GeoGebra based learning and motivation on students spatial abilities. The subject in this research was 60 students from 20 classes in one of vocational high schools, in Subang, West Java, selected by applying purposive sampling technique. Data collection was carried out by taking a questionnaire for learning motivation data and spatial abilities test. The results of the study are as follows. First, there is no significant difference between GeoGebra-based learning on the spatial ability of students, although there is no positive and significant influence the average value of spatial abilities of students with GeoGebra-based learning has a better average value than students given Non GeoGebra learning. Second, there is a significant difference between students learning motivation towards the students spatial ability, students with high motivation and medium motivation have better spatial abilities than students with low motivation. Students with high motivation and medium motivation category have same influence on their spatial abilities. Third, there is no interaction between GeoGebra based learning and motivation on students spatial abilities.

Keywords: GeoGebra, motivation, spatial ability

Topic: Mathematics Education


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