ICIEHI 2019 Conference

Halal Tourism Development Analysis in Lombok Island
Harun Al Rasyid1 Ahsani Taqwiem2*

University of Islam Malang


Halal tourism has recently begun to be discussed frequently with enormous economic potential in it by referring to Crescent Rating data which mentions that in 2014 Muslims around the world spend about US $ 126.1 billion on the allocation of spending on tourism where Indonesia is at the 6th position as the most favorite halal tourism destination in the world. This potential needs to be observed by Indonesia with some favorite tourism sites that have long been known to the world are exist in this country. Lombok Island as one of the favorite tourism destinations in Indonesia in 2015 has successfully won two awards at the Best World Halal Tourism Destination and World Best Halal Honeymoon Destination where the governor of Nusa Tenggara Barat Zuelkiflimansyah has expressed readiness to develop halal tourism in Lombok with some favorite destinations such as senggigi beach, gili trawangan, and rinjani mountain. So in this journal the authors will describe the results of research by using SWOT analysis of the development of halal tourism on the Lombok island.

Keywords: Islamic Economy, Halal Tourism, Lombok Island

Topic: Halal Lifestyle, Fashion, Travel and Tourism

Link: https://ifory.id/abstract-plain/V9eAKJEGrkaF

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