ISCRBM 2019 Conference

Forming a Standard Operational Procedure for Documenting Daily Transaction, and Producing Financial Statement of a Construction Company “PT. DMP”
Di-zenah Alifiah RACHMA(a*) ; Fahrul ISMAENI, S.E., M.H. (b)

University of Indonesia


2018 has been an exciting year for contractor. The government is actively supporting and carrying out infrastructure development in Indonesia. On the other hand, GAPENSI record a sharp decreasing number of its member from 70.000 to 35.000 members in 2018. These numbers represent the small- and medium contractors in Indonesia. PT. DMP is a small contractor in the transection phase to be a medium contractor. Its issues are cash- and organizational management which impacts it-s capability to scale up into a medium contractor. Therefore, based on intensive interview with the business owner, and direct interaction with the company, the coach analyzes the company using internal and external business tools. Mapping the existing-, ideal-, and GAP conditions of the company. And formulating solutions for the problems. Business coaching process will last for 6-8months. The goal of this coaching activity is to form a SOP for documenting transaction, and to produce a financial statement for this company.

Keywords: Standard Operational Procedure(SOP), Transaction, Financial Statement, Construction, Business coaching.

Topic: Finance


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