AASEC 2019 Conference

The Impact of Implementation of the e-Posyandu on the Performance of Posyandu Cadres
Erna Rustiana (a), Abdullah Ramdhani (a), Hedi Cupiadi (b*), Rira Nuradhawati (c)

a) Faculty of Social and Political Sciencies, Garut University, Jl. Samarang 52, Garut, Indonesia
b) Faculty of Economy, Garut University, Jl. Samarang 52, Garut, Indonesia
(c) Faculty of Social and Political Sciencies, University of General Achmad Yani, Jl. Terusan Jenderal Sudirman,
Cimahi, Indonesia
* hedi.cupiadi[at]uniga.ac.id


Posyandu activities have a role necessarily to support the public health services. In addition, Posyandu expected to further smoothly with the application of information systems posyandu (e-Posyandu) adaptability by a factor as one of the technological rapidly. The research purpose is to identify the effect of the implementation of the e-Posyandu on improving the performance of Posyandu cadres. This research uses a descriptive and associative method, with the sample of 96 cadres by the data collecting technique uses questionnaire surveys and interviews. The processing data uses validity and reliability test have the results of the correlation value above 0.50 so that all indicators are valid. The data analysis technique uses simple linear regression. The results showed that e-Posyandu had a significant effect on the performance of cadres. So, the application of e-Posyandu very helpful the performance of Posyandu cadres in the process of public health services.

Keywords: Information Systems, e-Posyandu, Performance.

Topic: Management Science

Link: https://ifory.id/abstract-plain/VYf2Ev8BQNmL

Web Format | Corresponding Author (Hedi Cupiadi)