AICAR 2019 Conference

analisys management of state owned asset at regional financial and asset management agencies Talaud islands regency
Inggriani Elim(a*) Treesje Runtu(a) Annekke Wangkar(a)

Faculty of Economy and Business, Universitas Sam Ratulangi, Manado, Indonesia


Technical guidelines on management state owned assets according government regulation number 27 year 2014 and regional regulation Talaud Islands Regency number 2 year 2012 arrange government Talaud Islands Regency to be able to implement the management state owned assets in accordance with applicable regulations. As known management stated owned assets is very important and must carefully, must doing management state owned assets as same as the applicable regulation. at regional financial and asset management agencies Talaud Islands Regency, is an assets of regional government, the use and utilized for support duties and function of regional government. Autonomy regional can manage revenue, expenditure, and asset regional. At regional financial and asset management agencies Talaud Islands Regency is one of regional government as role as use and utilized of stated owned assets same as applicable regulation. The method in research is descriptif method analysis. Location research at board of financial management and regional assets Talaud islands regency. The result of research is use has been according with applicable regulation but only three activity of utilized has been implemented.

Keywords: state owned assets, use, utilized.

Topic: Public Sector Accounting


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